Qing Ming Festival
What is it about
Qing Ming Festival is a period to honour and pay respect to ancestors and family members who have passed on.
Why do we observe it
Filial piety is a core value in Chinese culture. Thus, it is an important day to show respect to our ancestors and commemorate those who have left us, whether relatives or loved ones. It also serves as a yearly excursion and tradition for extended families to spend meaningful time together.
When is it
It falls between 4-6 April each year, 108th day after winter solstice in the Chinese lunar calendar. Visits can be made within 10 days before or after Qing Ming.
How to participate
During Qing Ming, families visit cemeteries and columbaria to pay homage to their ancestors.
- For those visiting graves, it is a time for annual tidying of the gravesites. This includes trimming the overgrown grass and removing the weeds, as well as refreshing the tombstone by cleaning and repainting faded engravings.
- Pay respects to the ancestors by kneeling or bowing before the grave or niche, holding lighted joss sticks with both hands. Make food, incense and paper offerings by laying them out, which typically include traditional food dishes and the lighting of red candles. Lastly, joss paper and paper gifts which are paper replicas of a wide range of objects are burnt.
- After the rites are completed, the food is brought home and families would gather to enjoy the meal.
- 大家通常一大清早就会前往扫墓。 首先,要将坟墓上的杂草除去、把墓园打扫干净、为褪色的墓碑文字补上漆,让祖墓焕然一新。
- 接着,要叩头行礼祭拜。拜祖先时,要用双手拿着香,在灵位前跪拜或鞠躬。把携带的酒食果品、金银纸等物品供祭在亲人墓前,再将金银纸和纸制祭品焚化。
- 仪式完成后,把食物带回家与家人共餐。